LED corner work lamp left with the number L0158L has the following features: work light, flood. It has Back: 18 LEDs and 1350 LM. L0158L is characterized by power consumption at Front + side:, Back: 9 W. L0158L is a certified product. In accordance with standards such as ECE. Additionally, it is built from materials: Lens: PC, Housing: PVC. LED corner work lamp left is mounted with a screw. The voltage is 10 W, 12 V/24 V. The product is packaged in the following configuration dimensions 302x66x102 mm R10, weight:, 20pcs/carton, cart.: 400 g.
• Do not direct the light column towards the eyes - this may cause injury or even loss of vision.
• Installation only in specialized facilities or professional services.
• Use in well-ventilated areas.
• Use according to its intended purpose.
• Use only as intended.
• Install only in specialized workshops.
• The connection of the lamp to the vehicle's installation must be insulated with heat-shrink tubing or possibly insulating tape to prevent water and moisture from entering the copper lamp wire, which may damage the electrical system. In the case of lamps with a plug, securely insert the plug.
• Do not cut off the tinned ends of the wires.
• Lamps must be installed in accordance with UN ECE regulations. www.myKAMAR.com